Welcome to MPSC Material Website. We have good news about Biometric Authentication in MPSC. So, this is obviously impact of MPSC Morcha 2018 or something else because we know that they have started adding AADHAR details in MPSC Online almost in 2016-2017.So, in this post we will discuss little bit about this biometric authentication.

What is Biometric Authentication?
I am not going to tell you definition. Simply Biometric Authentication means authenticating user based on their biometrics. So, we have lots of technologies in Smartphone’s itself. Like Fingerprints, Face reorganization etc. but to do this we provides our details one to one and done. But, how MPSC will authenticate all the candidates?
Biometric Authentication in MPSC.
we have provided our AADHAR details to MPSC in Online Applications Platforms. So, now they have all our AADHAR details and they will request to uidai to provide actual data or they may have it already.
So, our authentication will be based on AADHAR details.
What is AADHAAR Based Biometric Authentication?
We know that Largest Biometric database in the world is the AADHAR. So while applying for AADHAR We have given lots of biometric and other personal information. So to authentication will be based on name and biometric details.
What will be the process of authentication?
First, for authentication there will be one machine for every 75 candidates
They will capture thumb impression trough Integrated Standardization Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) approved thumb scanner.
After thumb impression they will validate our data with AADHAR data.
Photographs of those candidates whose AADHAR identification is not possible due to various reasons on the day of the examination and thereafter they will verify the identity of such candidates during later stages of the examination.
So, this is simple process but how much time it will take? Currently don’t know. Machine will work online and offline too.
They will start it on 11 March 2018 in Mumbai (all centers). It must be direct recruitment exam in Mumbai center only.
We may get All information related to actual implementation on 11th March 2018 only and Confirmation of This process on 1 February 2018.
If you want to read each and every point then read it by downloading following PDF.
Download: Aadhar Based Biometric Authentication Service
How it will impact on MPSC Exams?
So, This biometric Attendance Process is another point of transparency in MPSC Exams.
this is only for dummy candidates. So, Dummy candidate will think 100 times before coming for MPSC Exam and they are not going to escape if they are found guilty. But process must be transparent otherwise no use of this all.
We know that MPSC Conducts More than 100 Exams (may be) so this authentication process will help a lot. Currently we have 13th notification in year 2018 (its February 2018).
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