Required Documents for MPSC Exam on Interview Day

Welcome to the MPSC Material Website. In This Post, We will take took on which documents are required for the MPSC Rajyaseva exam or rather all MPSC Exams. Please Understand this “For all MPSC Exams same documents are required but for some exams, other qualifications are also compulsory or required so, in this case, the list will be extended but the basic documents are going to be same for all”. so, before applying for MPSC Exams you have to get all these documents from our respected authorities and some of the documents you may have already.

Note :

  1. Required Documents are Based on Category you have. so, some of the documents may not be required for you.
  2. You have to submit original documents while verifying before interview. otherwise, you will not be allowed to take interview. rejected/disqualified.
  3. based on your exam you may need some additional documents but these document list will be same for Rajayseva, ASO-STI-PSI, ESI, Forest, Agriculture, Engineering exams etc for other posts you may required some additional documents for e.g. for post of Tax assistant you may have to submit Marathi 30 wpm and English 40 wpm Typing Certificates.

MPSC राज्यसेवा : मुलाखतीच्या दिवशी सोबत आणावयाची मुळ कागदपत्रे :

१. जन्मतारखेसाठी शालांत परीक्षा प्रमाणपत्र किंवा वय व नागरिकत्वाचा दाखला किंवा जन्मतारीख नमूद असलेला शाळा/ महाविद्यालय सोडल्याचा दाखला किंवा नगरपालिकेचा/दवाखान्याचा/ग्रामपंचायतीचा जन्म दाखला.

२. मूळ पदवी/ पदव्युतर पदवी आणि शैक्षणिक पात्रतेचे इतर दाखले, समतुल्य अहर्ता असल्यास त्याबाबत पुरावा /शासन निर्णय.

३. मराठी भाषेचे पुरेसे ज्ञान असल्याबाबतचे प्रमाणपत्र.

४. विवाहित महिला उमेदवारांच्या बाबतीत विवाहानंतर नाव बदलल्यासंबंधीचा दाखला.

५. वि. जा.(अ), भ. ज.(ब), भ. ज.(क), भ. ज.(ड), इमाव, वि. मा. प्र., सा.व शै. मागास, महिला (खुला गट) या वर्गवारीचा असल्यास उमेदवार क्रीमिलेयरमध्ये मोडत नाही, असे दर्शविणारे सर्व परिच्छेदात उमेदवाराचेच नाव असलेले व विहित प्राधिकाऱ्याने दिलेले विहित कालावधीतील नॉन- क्रीमिलेयर (NCL) प्रमाणपत्र.

६. जातीचे / जमातीचे प्रमाणपत्रअधिवास प्रमाणपत्र.

७. दिव्यांग आरक्षणाचा दावा केला असल्यास शासन निर्णय, सार्वजनिक आरोग्य विभाग, अप्रकि-२०१२/प्र.क्र. २९७/आरोग्य-६ , दिनांक ६ ऑक्टोबर , २०१२ मधील आदेशानुसार SADM/ दिनांक १४ सप्टेंबर, २०१८ च्या शासन निर्णयामधील तरतुदीनुसार या नवीन संगणक प्रणालीद्वारे वितरीत करण्यात आलेले नवीन नमुन्यातील दिव्यांगत्वाचे मूळ प्रमाणपत्र.

८. खेळाडू आरक्षणाचा दावा केला असल्यास पूर्व परीक्षेचा अर्ज सादर करण्याच्या अंतिम दिनांकाचा किंवा तत्पूर्वीची विभागीय क्रीडा उप संचालकांकडे क्रीडा प्रमाणपत्र पडताळणीसाठी सादर केलेल्या अर्जाची पोच पावती, क्रीडा प्रमाणपत्र पडताळणी अहवालसंबंधित क्रीडा प्रमाणपत्र.

९. अनाथ आरक्षणाचा दावा केला असल्यास विहित प्राधिकाऱ्याने दिलेले अनाथ प्रमाणपत्र.

१०. लहान कुटुंबाचे विहित नमुन्यातील प्रतिज्ञापत्रन.

११. माजी सैनिक उमेदवारांच्या बाबतीत वयोमर्यादेतील सवलतीकरिता माजी सैनिक असल्याचा पुरावा व माजी सैनिक उमेदवारांच्या बाबतीत शैक्षणिक पात्रतेसंदर्भात पुरावा.

१२. अधिवास प्रमाणपत्र

१३.पॅनकार्ड, आधार कार्ड , निडणूक आयोगाचे ओळखपत्र , पासपोर्ट किंवा ड्रायव्हिंग लायसन्स (फक्त स्मार्ट कार्ड प्रकारचे ) यापैकी किमान एक ओळखपत्र आवश्यक.

सूचना: Its, Official Documents list for Rajyaseva Interview. you will also get after qualified for an interview so, don’t worry about it but you must fulfil these documents.

So, this is all about Documents required for the MPSC exam or Interview. so, there are exams where there are no interviews then in such time there will be only a document verification process and if correct then you are eligible otherwise not.

almost, all documents in the list are well known because almost all documents are required for MPSC online form while creating a new profile to apply for any MPSC exam.

112 thoughts on “Required Documents for MPSC Exam on Interview Day”

  1. sir i am passing this year B.E.from is it better for me to study rajyaseva exam.i am very confident about rajyaseva exam…..please reply

    • Yes you can appear for rajya seva exam with your degree. Do analyze the syllabus, past papers and start studying for exam and make short notes and practice and revision.
      You can also manage study with job if you get.
      Best of luck.

  2. Sir maze documents gavche ahet ani mi mumbai la rahte mhnje cast certificate non creamy layer certificate ani domicile certificate gavche ahet ani aadhar card mumbai ani school clg certificate mumbai che ahet tr kahi problem nahi na honar

  3. I did my schooling from
    CBSE board, I don’t have any proof for Marathi language, but my mother tongue is Marathi. M I suppose to take some exam for marathi?

    • You have to get one certificate from university teacher ( Marathi ) that you know marathi.

      Knowledge of Marathi means you must have marathi subject in class 10th board exam.

      • Sir, Caste Validity Certificate information is compulsory at the time of MPSC profile creation?
        How to get Caste Validity Certificate for MPSC students like me? Cause my education have already completed & I am working in private company. So please guide me on my email address:
        Thanking you Sir!

        • Cast Validity Certificate is not compulsory while profile creation. you can fill it later. for cast validity, there is a procedure depending on your category.

      • Sir I have caste certificate but i don’t have caste validity certificate is it mandatory for getting any post in mpsc through reservation couta

        • Cast Validity Certificate is Required but Not Mandatory. After Getting Selected for any Post within 6 months of that you have to do validation of your cast certificate(Cast Certificate Validity). The Selected Department will help you to get a cast validity certificate.

      • Sir I do not have a degree first year certificate but I have a second year third year passing certificate and degree certificate any problems create their

    • सर maharashtra engineering services examination madhe Non maharashtrian lok allowed ahet ka jyanchya kade ithle domecile nhi .
      Ase lok jr nastil tr mpsc chya FAQ madhe ase ka dile ahe ki ase candidates open madhun select hou shaktat.
      Pls guide thank you….


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