Welcome to MPSC Material Website. And Today i am going to clear your doubt about tax assistant recruitment 2018 and MPSC tax assistant syllabus because lots of aspirants are unaware about new pattern of this exam and new syllabus of tax assistant.
Here you will get to know about tax assistant syllabus 2018 which brand new(Not that) Syllabus for 2018 Exam.
Lets get started,

Tax Assistant Recruitment 2018
This year the MPSC Tax Assistant Recruitment will not be separated as it was. you know that MPSC Tax Assistant is the Class 3 Post. So they have combined three exams into one to reduce overload of exams and other lots of things.
In this year tax assistant recruitment 2018 and MPSC clerk recruitment 2018 will be based on one combined preliminary exam but the result wont be same as combined prelim .
So, Now we have new exam called “Maharashtra Group C Services Exam”
Maharashtra Group C Services Exam
This is new exam created for these three posts 1. Excise Sub Inspector 2. Tax Assistant and 3. Clerk Typist and these 3 posts are class 3 posts.
So, There will be same preliminary exam for all three posts and same paper 1 of mains exam for all three exams so it shows that there will be same syllabus for all three posts but wait..! there will be same syllabus for Prelim and Mains Paper 1 Only but the Syllabus of Paper 2 for each post will be different. so here we will talk about new MPSC tax assistant syllabus.
Here is my Overview for this new syllabus :
MPSC Maharashtra Class 3 Prelim Syllabus Overview.
Preliminary Syllabus of this Class 3 Combined Exam is same as Old Prelim Syllabus of Excise Sub Inspector Exam. So this syllabus will be same for Excise Sub Inspector Exam, Tax Assistant Exam and Clerk Typist exam.
MPSC Maharashtra Class 3 Mains Syllabus Overview.
In Sense of Syllabus they haven’t change lot in Mains MPSC tax assistant syllabus and Clerk Typist but they have removed some topics from mains syllabus of Excise Sub Inspector Exam
In Sense of Pattern also they haven’t change lot but they have moved topics from mains to prelim syllabus like Combined Marathi and English in Paper 1 . and The Paper 1 of All three exams(ESI-Tax Assistant-Clerk Typist) will be same on same day. but the paper 2 of sll three exams will be on different day & dates.
Highlight of Mains Pattern:
- No History no Geography in ESI Mains Exam.
- No change in tax assistant mains syllabus except pattern.
- No change in clerk typist mains exam except pattern.
So Here is new MPSC tax assistant syllabus for 2018 Exam as well as i will share old syllabus too.
MPSC Tax Assistant Syllabus 2018
MPSC Tax Assistant New syllabus with Excise Sub Inspector and Clerk Typist.
Download : Maharashtra Class 3 Services(ESI-TA-CT) Exam New Syllabus.
MPSC ESI Old Syllabus : MPSC Excise Sub Inspector, Group-C [Old Syllabus]
MPSC Tax Assistant Old Syllabus : MPSC Tax Assistant Group-C [Old Syllabus]
MPSC Clerk Typist Old Syllabus : MPSC Clerk-Typist Group-C [Old Syllabus]
So, This is all about tax assistant recruitment 2018 and MPSC clerk recruitment 2018