Today MPSC has Published the MPSC AMVI Notification 2020 for MPSC AMVI Recruitment 2020. (AMVI- Assistant Motar Vehicle Inspector)
So, In The MPSC AMVI Notification 2020 there are total 240 posts distributed in the various categories. You can apply for MPSC AMVI today itself but after the Online Application process will start.
Who is eligible ?
See, for this you have to read the full MPSC AMVI Notification which is given below :
Notification(Download) : MPSC AMVI Notification 2020 PDF
So, Read above full Notification and then you can apply.

Online Application Dates : 17 January 2020 to 6 February 2020.
Apply Online( Wait for some hrs) :
Online Application Process is not yet started . Before that check and update your profile.
Remamber the above dates and try to apply for before january end so, if you face any problem then you can solve it. and most important before applying make sure your profile is 100% correct otherwise you may get trouble in future
for eg. try to enter correct category details if you have. sometimes candidates do select open category even they belongs to other category.
For this exam you should have experience given in the advertisement and fill it correctly and then apply don’t apply first and then edit profile. before applying for exam your profile should be eligible for exam.
Other Details Regarding this exam you may like :
Syllabus : Download
Cut Offs : [All] MPSC AMVI Prelim and Mains Cut Offs
Previous Years Papers : MPSC AMVI RTO Exam Question Papers PDF Download
Book List : Mains Booklist is given in the Instagram and for prelim except last topic which is current trends in…. for other topics read class 2 exam books and first try to analyze your paper and accordingly prepare for it.