Hello everyone welcome to MPSC material and today in this post we will discuss about why MS-CIT certificate is important for a governmental examinations ?
So you might have read the GR regarding to the computer education provided by Maharashtra government. by reading that GR you may think that the MS-CIT certificate is important for governmental exam jobs but it is not a prerequisite means if you do not have that certificate before the selection then you can get that certificate after selection and there is also a mention that if you are a new employer then they will not pay your fee of the MS-CIT Exam but if you are old employer then they will pay fee of the examination.

GR Details :

Difference between CCC and MS-CIT ?
Hey let’s talk about the difference between CCC and MS-CIT. basically CCC and MS-CIT are equivalent to each other you may say that CCC is MS-CIT equivalent certificate. so if you have CCC certificate then it will be treated as a MS-CIT equivalent certificate.
MSCIT it is only belongs to Maharashtra because the certificate name itself is a Maharashtra state certificate in information technology but the full form of CCC is a Course on computer concepts. Basically CCC and MS-CIT are same.
I haven’t heard the database related things in the MS-CIT it but I have heard the database related things in a CCC so this may be a difference in MS-CIT and CCC.
MS-CIT or CCC which one better ?
Let’s talk about MS-CIT or CCC which one is better ? So MS-CIT is a certificate you will get after clearing MS-CIT examination and the full form of MS-CIT is Maharashtra state certificate in information technology where the CCC is a type of a central government course means if anyone will ask you about computer knowledge in all over India then you can show the certificate of CCC it will be better for the India but if anyone from Maharashtra ask you to show the certificate of the computer knowledge then you can show your MS-CIT certificate it will be better so finally depending on the you were job location the ability and CCC is differ So depending on your location you may like CCC over MS-CIT it but like we are from Maharashtra then for us MS-CIT certificate is a like CCC. Finally they are same.
Finally MS-CIT or CCC which one is better ? for Maharashtra MS-CIT is better and for India point of view CCC is a better but both are same no need to do both but i am not expert in it.
MS-CIT equivalent certificate
So in a knowledge of computer we have different type of course but for basic knowledge we have MSCIT course in Maharashtra so lots of candidate ask that which is MSCIT equivalent certificate.
so we have various courses for certificates on computer knowledge like we have Microsoft Office course, we have MS-CIT course and we have CCC course course on computer concepts. and one more thing people ask is that i have done engineering in IT so i have to do MS-CIT ? For those i want to tell you that MS-CIT is like 10th exam. by the way now we have subjects in 9th and 10th too like ICT.
so which one is MSCIT equivalent certificate?
In Maharashtra according to the government regulation the CCC is MS-CIT equivalent certificate you can read more about government read resolution from below link:
gr regarding computer qualification examination
is MS-CIT useful ?
Is MS-CIT useful? this is the question of lots of people. Simply if you want to learn the various concepts of computers then yes MS-CIT is useful. in other ways If you want government jobs in Maharashtra then there is requirement of knowledge of computer means you must have knowledge of computer so you cannot tell them that yes I have knowledge of computer and I will show you now…!!! for that you need one certificate to show them “see I have this certificate of computer knowledge” so that’s why MS-CIT is useful or various purposes
Thanks for Reading.
Is mscit certificate required during mpsc form submission?
Not Required for form as well as final selection. But after selection you have to submit it within 2 years.. it’s application for all government jobs except some.