Welcome to MPSC Material Website. In this post we will take look of MPSC Books for Maharashtra Forest Services Prelim Exam.
वन सेवा पूर्व परीक्षा
First see the standard Book List for Forest Services Prelim and after book list or later in the future we will discuss which subject is more important than others and marks distributions year-by-year and lot more.
You Can Read This too : MPSC Forest Mains Book List by Topper

MPSC Maharashtra Forest Services Prelim Exam Book List
सुगम मराठी व्याकरण व लेखन- मो. रा. वाळिंबे [Buy Online]
परिपूर्ण मराठी व्याकरण – बाळासाहेब शिंदे [Buy Online]
High School English Grammar and Composition Book by Wren & Martin [Buy Online]
Key to Wren & Martin’s Regular & Multicolour Edition of High School English Grammar & Composition [Buy Online]
संपूर्ण इंग्रजी व्याकरण – बाळासाहेब शिंदे. [Buy Online]
General Studies
Newspaper: Loksatta/ Maharashtra Times.
Magazine : Any one good magazine that you know.(currently in market there are types of old as well as new magazines)
Logical Reasoning : बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी- अनिल अंकलगी [Buy Online]
Do solve the Logical Reasoning Questions of Past year papers as well as questions of other MPSC Exams like.. Rajyaseva, Subordinate Services, Group C, AMVI etc. without solving anything related and upto that standard questions you won’t understand anything.
This is all about book list for MPSC Forest Service Prelim. In future you will get mains book list as well but will ask/verify it from someone who is preparing for MPSC Forest at least 1-2 years. Book list is not final you can suggest us books if you are not satisfied with these book list.
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MPSC Forest Mains Book List by Topper
Thanks for Reading. And Best of Luck and here is full stop.