Welcome to MPSC Material site. in this post you will get Maharashtra state board 8th std books pdf in three mediums namely Marathi, English and Hindi plus in future we may share others medium books as well. So, all books for this three mediums will be available in this post but problem is that you have to choose corrects books with your requirements and if you are a student of 8th standard then check the books correctly and verify it with your hard cover books or same with your friends’ books because you may get confused in language paper books because there are some books but titles are different for subject to subject and you may get another book with same name. so, choose correctly and you can message me to arrange the following books with respect to mediums though i will do. thanks.
if you want English or Hindi Medium Books then…
8th English Medium Books : Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books pdf in English
8th Hindi Medium Books : Maharashtra State Board 8th std Books pdf in Hindi

so, below we will share first Marathi medium then English and Hindi and in future we will update it according to updates and will share other medium books as well. lets, see.
8th Standard Marathi Medium Books
So, below you will find mainly Marathi medium books for 8th standard. so, depending on your first, second and third language you have to select the correct book and do verify it with your friends and then only you have to refer it, otherwise avoid it without confirming. some books you can refer without any verification but with respect to medium but you have to verify your language books correctly.
८ वी बालभारती मराठी : 8th standard Marathi book pdf (Marathi)
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८ वी गणित मराठी : Maharashtra board 8th std maths textbook (Marathi)
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८ वी सामान्य विज्ञान मराठी : 8th standard science book Maharashtra board (Marathi)
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८ वी इतिहास व नागरिकशास्त्र मराठी : 8th standard history book in Marathi pdf (Marathi)
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८ वी भूगोल मराठी : 8th standard geography book in Marathi (Marathi)
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८ वी माय इंग्लिश बुक इंग्रजी : 8th standard my English book (English)
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८ वी संस्कृतम् आमोद:(संपूर्ण) : 8th Sanskrit aamod (Sanskrit)
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८ वी गरवी (संपूर्ण) गुजराती : 8th garvi Gujarati (Gujarati)
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८ वी साहित्य भारती (संयुक्त) गुजराती : 8th sahitya bharti Gujarati (Gujarati)
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८ वी सरलभारती तेलुगु : 8th saralbharti Telugu (Telugu)
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८ वी संस्कृतम् आनन्द:(संयुक्त) : 8th Sanskrit aanand book (Sanskrit)
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८ वी सुगमभारती कन्नड : 8th sugambharti Kannada (Kannada)
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८ वी सुलभभारती हिंदी : 8th class Hindi textbook (Sulabhbharti) (Hindi)
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८ वी सुगमभारती हिंदी :
8th class Hindi textbook (Sugambharti) (Hindi)
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८ वी तारूफे उर्दू उर्दू : 8th tarufe Urdu Urdu book (Urdu)
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८ वी सिंधुभारती सिंधी : 8th sindu bhati Sindhi (Sindhi)
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८ वी सिंधुभारती सिंधी देव : 8th sindhubharti Sindhi dev (Sindhi Dev)
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