Hello, everyone welcome to MPSC Exam. Here we will see how to calculate marks of the MPSC Rajyaseva exam and thereafter we will see how to calculate marks of the MPSC Rajyaseva exam after the second key?
note: on 21 March 2021 paper there was mentioned 1/3 negative marking. after two days.. from MPSC they have confirmed that the result will come based on 1/4 negative marking

Here we want to calculate marks with first key and with final key…!!
- How to Calculate Marks with First Key?
So first, you have to know that we are going to count those all questions we have attempted, here are all steps you have follow strictly.
Step 1: Count the all questions you have attempted.
Step 2: Now count the correct answers & wrong answers respectively and note it .
Step 3: Now check the sum of right and wrong wrt all attempted questions.
Step 4: If The sum is correct then do calculation as given below.
For eg. Given :
Assume that we are calculating marks of Rajyaseva Prelim GS Paper 1. and note that if the answer is correct then we will get 2 marks but if the answer is wrong then we will get a penalty of 1/4 marks means 0.50 Marks for each wrong questions is question is of 2 marks and 1/4 marks means 0.625 if the question is for 2.5 marks.
For Example…
MPSC PAPER – 1 Negative Marking
Step 1: 1. Total Attempted Questions : 100
Step 2: 2. Total Right answers : 75
Step 2: 3. Total Wrong answers : 25
Step 3: 4. 100=(75+25)
Total marks of right answers are= 75 X 2= 150 Marks.
Total Marks of Wrong answers : 25 X 0.50 =12.5
Total Marks after deduction : 150-12.5=137.5
So Your Actual Marks of Paper 1 are 137.5
MPSC PAPER – 2 CSAT Negative Marking
Now we will calculate marks of CSAT Paper where each question carries 2.5 Marks and 5 Decision Making Questions are exempted from negative marking
Step 1: 1. Total Attempted Questions : 80
Step 2: 2. Total Right answers : 60 +(5 Decision Making Questions)=65
Step 2: 3. Total Wrong answers : 15
Step 3: 4. 80=(65+15)
Now don’t count Decision making question before the final total. keep your decision making marks of the calculation
NO Negative For Decision Making Questions (Q.75- Q.80)
Total marks of right answers are= 60 X 2.5= 150 Marks.
Total Marks of Wrong answers : 15 X 0.625 =9.375 Marks Negative
Total Marks after deduction : 150-9.375=140.625 Marks (without Adding Decision Making Marks )
So Your Actual Marks of Paper 2 are 140.625 + Total Marks of Decision Making questions.
For eg. you got 7 Marks out of 12.5
So your actual Marks of Paper 2 Would be 140.625+7=147.625
The Total Marks of Your Exam are :
Paper 1 : 137.5/200
Paper 2: 147.625/200
Total : 285.125/400
2. How to Calculate Marks with Final Key ?
Now it’s time to know your final marks after Final Key.
Before that you must have following details :
You Must have all details which we had while calculating marks of exam with first key.
There are conditions while calculating marks with final answer key.
what you will get from final answers key ?
1) MPSC Will change the answer by public demand.
2) MPSC Will Cancel the Questions itself.
Calculate your marks according to following conditions.
- If Your attempted question is wrong in final answer key as well as in First Key then you won’t be affected by any marks.
- If Your attempted question is right in final answer key as well as in First Key then you won’t be affected by any marks.
- If Your attempted question is right in final answer key but wrong in First Key then deduct 0.66 marks from wrong answers and add 2 marks in the right answers.
- If Your attempted question is wrong in final answer key but right in First Key then deduct 2 marks from right answers and add 0.66 marks in the wrong answers.
- If Your attempted question is canceled in final answer key but it is right in First Key then deduct 2 marks from right answers.
- If Your attempted question is canceled in final answer key but it is wrong in First Key then add 0.66 marks in right answers.
I am still confuse whether there are still any conditions but i think now there are no any conditions
Hope .. you will understand these all logic… calculate your marks by this method and calculate your marks same as first key but in Final key.
Thank you for reading this. and best of luck for your result.
share this with your friends who needs.
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