Welcome to the MPSC Material Website. It’s a Guiding Website for MPSC Aspirants like you. And if you are a beginner and want to know more about MPSC and MPSC Exam process(A-Z) then read this ALL without any compromisation.
So, you prepare for MPSC Exam but some of you even don’t know “ what to do next to appear for MPSC Exams?”,“How to Apply for MPSC Exam?”, “How to Download MPSC Exam Hall Ticket?” “How To Check MPSC Exam Result?” “How to Create New Account to apply For MPSC Exams?” , “How is its Account different from other examinations?” Is it a temporary or Permanent Account?…. So, I can list 10 or more questions but, wait… you will get all information on this page.

So, To apply for any government exam we usually fill the form online/offline… This is the process of almost lots of exams. But wait. To apply for any MPSC exam you don’t have to fill out the form again and again…every year for every MPSC exam.
So, to apply for any MPSC exam you have to create one account and after that, you have to fill the all information in that account and then whenever the advertisement will come you just have to update the information of the account if you have created it many years ago and submit an application and pay the fees and select exam centre to appear. That’s it… You don’t have to fill out the form for every exam every year.
We, know that in MPSC there are lots of exams like… Rajyaseva Exam, PSI exam, ASO exam, STI, ESI, Engineering, Agriculture, Forest exam, etc.
So, creating an account is easy but filling in complete and correct information can be difficult if you don’t have knowledge of the internet and website components like… dropbox, checkbox, text field, etc.
but, while creating an account you have to be sure of the data you are entering into an MPSC Account because some data in an MPSC Account gets disabled for editing after saving and then you may face difficulties changing it… yes you can change it but it requires a process to change it. so, it’s better to enter the correct details the first time. I will tell you that also in the future..don’t worry but “precautions are better than care.” that’s why I am telling you.
How to change wrong information in MPSC Account?
Link: coming soon… (basically not required )
So, now you have read this amount of knowledge and now you may get questions that where to create an MPSC account and when to create an account and on which website?
So, to create an MPSC account, to apply for MPSCexam, to download hall tickets we have an official website of MPSC called MahaMPSCor MPSC online. I will put a link below :
Link (Old Website): http://mahampsc.mahaonline.gov.in/ (up to May 2021)
if you have an account on this old website then its recommended to upgrade it to the new website i.e mpsconline.gov.in/
Link (New Website): https://mpsconline.gov.in/ (from May 2021)
So, you can remember the above website up to gov. in or just you have to search “MPSC online” on google search and it will appear on the first page and first rank and you have to check that “https://mpsconline.gov.in/” first to confirm it and click it…
MPSC New Account Creation
On this website, you will find new user registration somewhere in the window(currently July 2021: you won’t see any registration menu on the website because of website incompatibilities or else. so try to open it in desktop mode in any mobile browser..it will show. ). When you will click on that link you will see one from there you will create an account and then you will log in it with a login window and then you have to fill in the information after logging in and when you will see the status of the account from “InComplete” to “Complete” then you have entered the required information in MPSC Account.
So, if you are new then I will recommend you to take a look at how to create an account and then only do practical…
New User Registration Link:
https://mpsconline.gov.in/candidate/registration (new account creation)
So, you can check above link to see the new user registration form and note down the information that will be required to create new account:
Or you can read following post for more and complete details :
Link : Create new Account in MPSC Online
So, after creating user from new user registration link you have to again open the mahampsc or mpsc online website and fill the username and password that you have created while creating new user and then login into your account.
After login you will have to enter the different types of information and you can update it regularly but some of the information you can’t update. For that you will have to contact mpsc on email. Will write post on this don’t worry.
Basically you will not be able to change the personal information(name, date of birth, caste/category details, height, mobile number, email etc) and permanent address information. Means information which will not change in future too.. But if you made mistake then you have to contact it to mpsc.
So, after login you have to enter the personal information, address information, other information, qualification information, experience information etc. and finally you have to upload photo and signature.
Important: so before clicking on save button for each step you have to recheck the all information. Please check it twice or thrice if possible or fill the form with help of your parents or brother/sister etc but do not make nonsense mistake.
So, before creating an account check the following posts to take an overview of creating a new MPSC account:
MPSC Online Process Steps:
Application Submission Process
There are FOUR stages of application submission.
- Profile Creation/Updation
- Application Submission
- Fees Payment through MY ACCOUNT section
- Centre Selection through MY ACCOUNT section (only in case of Competitive Examinations)
These steps are given by MPSC by MPSC itself on website which we are talking about.
MPSC Online Exam Process
So, Let’s get started
In first step to apply for MPSC Exam you will create new MPSC account or you will update new information if you already have MPSC account.
In the second step, you will submit an application for the exam through your account for any MPSC exam with respect to your eligibility.
In third step you will pay MPSC exam fee in online mode or offline mode.
In the fourth step, you will select the exam center to appear for the MPSC exam. It is only for competitive exams. It’s not available for direct and departmental exams.
So, these is the process to apply MPSC exam. What next ?
Read more: How to apply for any MPSC exam
So, before one-two week of the exam date you have to download and print your MPSC exam hall ticket from ”mahampsc” or “MPSC Online” website itself from your account or with application ID(without password).
So, when you will download the hall ticket you have to read all information given on the backside/page 2 with page 1 of the hall ticket, from this information you will get all information about the exam centre, exam day and documents required to sit for the exam on your roll number.
More about Exam, Hall tickets and exam day
So, to enter for examination centre you may face bio-metric authentication. in exam hall you will write correct information on your OMR answer sheet and you will sign attendance too. And you may be witness to open for questions papers if your seat number is near teachers table. In which they will take your signature with one more candidate to authenticate that the question papers are sealed correctly before opening.
After that, you will solve your paper within time limit with your strategy of solving mpsc papers.
So, after papers(one or two or more depending on exam) you will come to home with your duplicate student answer sheets. So, don’t care about which question i have attempted or not because you will have your duplicate answer sheet with you.
After MPSC Prelim Examination
And what next ? you don’t have to find answers on google or anywhere else. You have to wait for 1-2 days and boom… MPSC will publish the first answer sheet to check your answers… so, according to first answer key you have to find your correct and incorrect answers. And if you found that one or more my answers are right according to my sources(Book you have read) but MPSC has given the incorrect answers. In this case you have to send a letter to MPSC with prescribed format (i will share with you) within the date given by MPSC and then they will take actions but they will not inform you personally.
So, after first key.. If you found that i will pass it then without asking anyone you have to study for mains (if you have studied before prelim then revise it now and do more study with respect to mains exam). Unfortunately if you feel that i will not be able to clear it 100% then you have to find your weaknesses and work hard on them and do appear for other exams too with help of that knowledge. Why i am telling you that because you will get about 4 months of time to get your prelim result. so, you have to keep studying without wasting time.
So, after 3-4 months or more MPSC will publish final answer key and that will be final and you have to calculate your marks according to only final answer key. Those marks are final… 100%. In final answer key you may find changed answers or cancelled questions… so, if answer is changed then you have to count it accordingly and if question is cancelled(#) then you have to ignore it completely and do not count it either in marks or negative marks.
So, after 1 or 2 or 3 weeks of final answer key mpsc will publish result of prelim exam and you will be able to view it either on pdf provided by MPSC or on “mahampsc” or “mpsc online” website.
After that the application process to apply for mains exam will start, so if you have appeared it before getting degree or as appeared for last year exam of your degree then you have to fill that information and apply for mains exam. And if you don’t have final degree with you then you won’t be able to apply for mains exam even you have cleared the prelim exam.
So, afterword the process of mains exam will be same as prelim exam but there will be limited number of students so the exam centres will be limited (Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Aurangabad only) or depends on some exam you may have on only one centre for eg. Mumbai (but its depends on type of exam with respect to posts). So, prelim will be taken all over Maharashtra but mains will be in above four cities.
So, after mains you may have interview or physical test exam or direct selection depending on for which exam you have appeared.
For eg. if you have appeared for rajyaseva exam then you will have interview as well as giving posts preference will be available in rajyaseva exam. Etc
After selection from MPSC…
In such way you will be selected through any MPSC exam and then MPSC will send your recommendation to the government of Maharashtra. After that you may have different types of training with respect to your exam and then you will be posted for your job… and job means not directly on that post you have selected through MPSC.
For eg. selected candidate for deputy collector is not going to be deputy collector from the first day of job. So, this is how works the government. You will take experiences under those officers who are on high rank and you will learn and co-operate with them and after that you will be that much experienced after some years(exact years) and you will also go higher rank and it will be depends on number of your service years or your work … so, depending on the things you will get promotion in higher ranks and then you will be a Deputy Collector on one or some other day and this is not full stop you will go higher with respect to your work and number of years service etc. you will be able to qualify for departmental exams if you have passed some class 3 posts exams like tax assistant will be eligible to sit for STI departmental exam in such way ASO will be able to sit for Section officer exam etc.
Thank you. have you any questions? Share it and ask me .. below or on our social accounts.
Nice information. I like it.
Thank You !
What if we dont select the centre after submitting the form ?
Mostly You will get your home district that’s it. You won’t get your choice of district for appearing for exam. Sometimes you may get odd district where it may be impossible to go for exam.
How can i see update informaction of advertisements of mpsc,upsc,ssc, Maharashtra govt. Jobs ???
Prakash Malbari
On their respected websites.