Welcome to MPSC Material Website. First of all you should know that we have Combined Prelim Exam for 3 posts of Class 3 namely ESI (Excise Sub Inspector), Tax Assistant and Clerk Typist. and one more thing you should know that is the mains paper 1 will be same for all three posts means the mains paper 1 is also combined. but the paper 2 of mains exam will be separate for each posts. so my conclusion is that you can prepare for all three exams but if you want to prepare only ESI then you should be confident about Mains Paper 2 Preparation. if you are preparing before 1 year of exam then i will suggest you to prepare mains exam syllabus first and then go to the prelim when prelim is near about 6 months etc. particularly you must be prepare prelim and mains before prelim itself. so, after prelim you will focus on accuracy and revision and practice etc.

So, Simple Preparation Tip : First Prepare Paper 2 or Topics which are not in prelim exams, Paper 1 and finally prelim paper preparation with same topics/subjects in prelim and mains exam.
MPSC ESI Preliminary Exam Book List
Current Affairs (चालू घडामोडी )
For this exam you can read only Current Affairs that will be sufficient than more but if you have habit of reading newspaper then that will be good.
Loksatta / Maharashtra Times Newspapers
One Good Current Affairs Magazine
Civics ( नागरिकशास्त्र )
भारताची राज्यघटना आणि प्रशासन –रंजन कोळंबे. [Buy Online] OR
Indian Polity – M Laxmikant. .(English) [Buy Online] OR
History (इतिहास )
आधुनिक महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास- एस.एस गाठाळ. [Buy Online] OR
आधुनिक महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास- अनिल कठारे . [Buy Online]
Geography ( भूगोल)
Maharashtracha Bhugol A. B. Savadi [Buy Online] OR
Maharashtracha Bhugol K. A. Khatib [Buy Online]
One Good Map Book –
Nirali Publication Map [Buy Online] (only Maharashtra Maps)(Most Important)
Oxford Student Atlas for India [Buy Online] (Good for Indian State Maps) OR
The Orient BlackSwan Atlas for Competitive Exams [Buy Online] (Good For Word Map)
Economy (अर्थव्यवस्था )
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था – रंजन कोळंबे. .[Buy Online]
पुस्तकपालन व लेखाकर्म (इयत्ता ११ वी) [Buy Online]
General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान )
State Board Books(Selective)
NCERT Books(Selective)
Intelligence test and Arithmetic ( बुद्धिमापन चाचणी आणि अंकगणित )
बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी- अनिल अंकलगी .[Buy Online]
संपूर्ण गणित – स्पर्धा परीक्षा – पंढरीनाथ राणे .[Buy Online]
MPSC ESI Mains Exam Book List
Paper 1(100 Marks/100 Questions)( Combined Paper of ESI-TA-CT Mains Exam)
Marathi (60 Marks/60 Questions)
सुगम मराठी व्याकरण व लेखन – मो. रा. वाळिंबे [Buy Online]
परिपूर्ण मराठी व्याकरण – बाळासाहेब शिंदे. [Buy Online]
English(40 Marks/40 Questions)
High School English Grammar and Composition Book by Wren & Martin [Buy Online]
Key to Wren & Martin’s Regular & Multicolour Edition of High School English Grammar & Composition [Buy Online]
Sampurn Ingraji Vyakaran by Balasaheb Shinde [Buy Online]
Paper 2 (100 Marks )
Current Affairs
Reading Newspaper and Magazine
Intelligent Test
बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी- अनिल अंकलगी .[Buy Online]
भारताची राज्यघटना आणि प्रशासन –रंजन कोळंबे.[Buy Online]OR
Indian Polity – M Laxmikant. .(English) [Buy Online] OR
Panchayat Raj by Kishore Lavte [Buy Online]
Acts : Download and Print :
Download : Right to Information Act 2005
Download : Right to Information Act 2005 (The Gazette of India)
Download : Maharashtra Right To Public Service Act 2015
Computer and Information Technology
Basic Knowledge of Computer and Information Technology and Related Developments.
Human Rights and Responsibilities
For Basic knowledge you can use one book
Like :
Manavi Hakk Jababdarya va Kayde by Chandrkant Misal (Suggested)[Buy Online]
K’Sagar Samagra Manavi Hakk[Buy Online] (if you are preparing for Rajyaseva As well)[Buy Online]
Download Acts for ESI Mains Exam
Download : Maharashtra_Excise_Manual_Vol-I
(Note : The Bombay Prohibition Act,1949(you will find this act in above manual vol 1), The Maharashtra Excise Manual, Volume-III, The Prohibition and Excise Manual, Volume-II (you will find Chapter 2 on Prohibition and Excise in above manual vol 1), and i am unable to find the questions in paper regarding volumes . there are only questions on acts and in this manual there are acts and this document is above 1000 pages so, i don’t think there is such such volumes. before finding it on internet refer the papers you will get and i you get knowledge about it like pdf or something else information share with me at email : mpscmaterial@gmail.com )
maharashtra excise manual vol 1 in marathi
Its Not Available In Marathi.