Welcome to MPSC Material Website. First of all Congratulations for your 12th result and best wishes for future. So, today we will discuss about how to prepare for MPSC Exam (MPSC Rajyaseva Exam). Why I have specified MPSC Rajyaseva Exam in circular bracket because students like you only know the word “MPSC Exam.” They don’t know even महाराष्ट्र राज्य सेवा परीक्षा or Maharashtra State Services Exam as such sentence or Correct Exam.

Why here I will focus on MPSC Rajyaseva Exam only?
You know that MPSC is Commission for conducting various competitive exams, direct recruitment exams, departmental exams, limited departmental exams in the state of Maharashtra Only.
In all these exams the popular competitive exam is “MPSC Rajyaseva Exam” because of Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Tehsildar, Block Development Officer and lot of more posts.
Read full List: List of posts for which officers are selected through MPSC (MPSC Rajyaseva)(27 Posts)
Have you read full list of officer’s posts? If yes; then you can think that anyone can be motivated by reading this list because we have heard lots of things about some of the officers in our daily life.
You may have your childhood dream of becoming anything but dreams are dreams they can change every minutes –every day-every week- every month, etc. but once you will be 18th year old or more then this the science say that the age group of 18 to 25 its crucial in life for almost everything (not all) you can think in this age group. Can you think more about this age group? I am not writing article on philosophy or psychology. So, think about it.
This is the shortest information which anyone can give you in short.. But we haven’t yet started for our main topic.
Let’s get started,
How to Prepare MPSC Exam after 12th Standard?
So, in this post
I will mention some of the area for preparation.
- Basic skills for any competitive exams (particularly MPSC Exam)
- Your education, skills and lack of knowledge about particular subjects
- Starting for MPSC Preparation while doing graduation?
Some of the area for Preparation.
So, after 12th standard or after 10th standard you will be take admission for anything by considering the scope of subjects and future requirements.
So, while completing degree or graduation you may in Arts, Commerce, Science, Engineering, Medical, diploma etc.
So, there are some are of preparation according to your graduation.
Knowledge of History, Geography, Polity, Economy (Not Economics), General Science, Comprehension, problem solving and analytical ability, basic mathematics (Not that basic +,-,*,/), Marathi Grammar, English language and English Grammar, current affairs with respect to particular exam… these are the area I can write on my understanding without touching anything just typing…. So, you will also find some area by reading the syllabus of exam.
Here is the syllabus of MPSC Rajyaseva Exam.
Link: Rajyaseva Syllabus : MPSC Rajyaseva Syllabus
Basic skills for any competitive exams (particularly MPSC Exam)
So, while graduating you will find different types of exams and requirement of all the competitive or entrance exams may not be same
For e.g. take any bank level exam where the main focus of exam is on Basic mathematics and Analytical ability, General awareness, English language and Computer knowledge and this also in section wise means to clear the exam you have to pass the each and every section and all over cut off.
Your education, skills and lack of knowledge
You may feel comfortable with some of the subjects based on your education so, don’t just do the graduation just sake of passing the exam. Because if you will take it easy then it will take you easy.
For eg. If are doing graduation in Arts then you will have almost 7 subjects including language papers(Selected), Foundation Course or Communication skills, History/Geography/Political Science /Economics/Philosophy/Physiology/ Psychology etc. (only 7)
If you are doing plain science then you will have Foundation Course and sets of Subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology etc.
If you doing commerce then you will have different sets of subject related to commerce graduation like Business Communication, Business Economics, Statistics and Mathematics etc.
So, if you will find some overlapping subjects in graduation then take it as gift not advantage and if you won’t find subjects related to graduation then don’t feel bad for it you will have hidden knowledge and hidden benefits with you… really.
Starting for MPSC Preparation while doing graduation?
Now, this is important and our main topic related to this article.
I get various queries on our social accounts related to MPSC Exam preparation regarding who can prepare and when we will be eligible?
In short- 19 years old anyone with completed graduation in recognized universities or while attending last year exam can appear for almost every MPSC with respect to educational qualification. And to calculate age date will be given by MPSC.
For eg. How old you are on 1 April 2018? Means your actual age may be eligible for exam but you may not be eligible for exam due to this date condition. Are you getting what I mean?
How to Start Basic Preparation?
So, if you want to prepare for MPSC Exam then understands one thing that MPSC Rajyaseva is not only one exam in MPSC. There are almost more than 10 Competitive exams in MPSC (Maharashtra Public Service Commission)
Link: List of MPSC Competitive Exams
So, Depending on your graduation or degree you will be eligible for some exams and for some exams you won’t be eligible at all.
For eg. If you Arts Graduate then you will be eligible for MPSC Rajyaseva, MPSC PSI, MPSC STI, MPSC ASO, MPSC Tax Assistant (Typing is Required with Certificate), MPSC Clerk Typist (Typing is Required with Certificate), MPSC Excise Sub Inspector Exam that’s it.
For eg. If you are commerce graduate then all the mentions exams of Arts graduate and some of the posts in MPSC Rajyaseva Exam are only reserved for Commerce Graduates.
For eg. If you are Science graduates with some of the stream you will eligible for MPSC Forest Service’s Exams as well.
There is MPSC Engineering Services Exam and MPSC Agriculture Services Exam too with respect to eligibility.
Let’s start with basic preparation.
- Read State Board Books subject wise on weekly basis (Mainly Art Stream)(Except Language Books-if you want then you can read grammar) (from 6th to 12th). You will read one subject in one month too and one weekend too that will be depends on you. Suggestion is that read slowly and understand the topics and you can repeat same chapter too. Don’t try to complete the books by reading only.
- Read the questions of that subject which you have read on last week from MPSC exam Papers.
- Monthly one weekend for Maths/Reasoning/ or English or Marathi Grammar depending on your weakness and strong points.
- Read and Practice your Educational Material for comprehension, read long paragraphs and try to understand essence of passage or you can read in advance and then attend the class and observe the difference because reading taught material is obliviously easy to understand in anyway and you won’t find comprehensions paragraphs in MPSC exam from any books you have read or you can read newspapers editorials in [English or Marathi] because you are not going to read same paragraph in two languages but currently don’t focus much on newspapers.
- Solve the latest papers and check your score: you will get all latest Papers with answers keys here MPSC Rajyaseva Questions Papers with answers keys.
- This must be routine while graduation and you can take break too if you have your exam and if you don’t want read any more for some time.
- Anything you want to tell then contact me on Instagram or Facebook. I will consider it and will add.
- After doing this for almost 1 year you will get basic understanding of almost all subjects so, after that you can move with standard preparation with standard books… i will update book list in this month for all mpsc exams with new menu MPSC Books
Now, come to the Coaching part.
is coaching necessary for MPSC Exams ?
Is coaching necessary to pass any exam? Or is coaching necessary to Pass MPSC exam?
Revise this and say yes or no.
- Have you watched MPSC Topper 2018’s Video? Did he join any coaching classes?
- Have you watched CBSC Toppers (Rank 1, 2)? any coaching classes?
- Have you watched UPSC Toppers (Rank 1, 2)? any formal coaching?
This may clear your confusions About coaching classes for anything. But wait….!!
Coaching classes are helping us in the other ways but it’s also not correct that all one of us are born or grown up with same intelligence and it’s also not true that now you are not intelligent in study and in future too you won’t be intelligent in study. So sense is that for someone coaching may be required for some subjects and you can test yourself by going through previous years questions of exams. One more thing is that if you are not understanding anything about it then it may not be in your interest so, you can develop interest or leave it. For some exams/subjects and for some peoples coaching may be required (someone likes to read, someone likes to listen, someone likes to watch videos and someone likes to understand taught by someone). So my sense is that there are unlimited probabilities for unlimited students for unlimited subjects and for unlimited exams. So, here I haven’t promoted any coaching classes and I haven’t agreed that coaching is important or not. So, my last line about coaching is that “Self study is free but sometimes hard, coaching classes may be easy to understand but they are paid.”
This is all about coaching classes.
Competition Level in MPSC Exam ?
Now, come to the competition.
So, this exam is not made only for you. Anyone with educational qualifications and physical requirements (for some posts only) eligibilities and maximum year 38 for general categories and 43 years for backward categories. So anyone from 19 years old to 38 or 43 years old can appear for such exams and this is applicable only in MPSC exam. In some exams the maximum age limit is 32 or 30 or 28 for general categories and 33 or 35 or 37 for backward categories.
One more important thing is that here you will find candidates who are not not eligible for any exam but they are eligible for mpsc exam because of government has increased the age limit to 38 and 43 for backward categories. so, here you will find upsc aspirants too.
So, you have compete with all of these. So, preparation is hard and competition is also tough, but by understanding the last years cut offs, you may feel that “I CAN”. So, no more about competition.
Now, taking care of yourself
Taking Care of yourself
This is related to Motivation, Feeling happy every time in any conditions. So, while preparation you may get anxiety of anything, like your growing age, financial problems, girls problems, family problems, disability problems, failure problems and lot more.
In this case, if your family support is too good then no one can heart you except you. But when you will get success which is big as your dreams then everyone will be happy in your family
In case, if you feel demotivated mainly because of financial problems then its good to find small job for sustainable development (in environmental term) and prepare for it and go with small job to medium job depending on futures developments and fight with it until you die or out of race(age limit).
After second year you will get holidays for one month, two months and you will get holidays for festivals so, in that time you can focus more these if you want to do. First year and Second year of graduation are important for preparation so, think of it while wasting time because in last year you will have your final exams (2 Semesters) as well as you can take MPSC Exam that year also. But for first successful attempt you must have that much of understanding and preparation of mains exam while graduation. So, if if you can manage it then go for it.
And please before asking something easy please go through website menus you will get all the required things.
~MPSC Material.
helpfull information to all
Thank You chinmayi