Welcome to the MPSC Material Website. In This Post, you will find MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim Cut Off of Pasts Years with some details about the number of posts recruited in that year, in the future i may include category-wise posts per year, but your target should be above all. means try to get marks as much as more than the cut off any category to secure your position to get selected for the mains exam for sure.
Let’s Get Started,
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2023
आधी कट ऑफ ४०० पैकी लागत असे २०२२ पासून असा बदल झाला आहे की, Cut Off हा पेपर १ च्या २०० गुणांपैकी लागेल. पण, २०० गुणांचा पेपर २ CSAT हा Qualifying केला आहे. म्हणजे तुम्हाला पेपर २ CSAT मध्ये २०० पैकी किमान ६६ गुण मिळवणे अनिवार्य (Compulsory) आहे. अन्यथा तुमचा Cut Off साठी विचार केला जाणार नाही.

MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2022
सूचना : राज्य सेवा पूर्व परीक्षा-२०२२ , २१ ऑगस्ट २०२२ ला नियोजित आहे. त्यात असा बदल झाला आहे की, Cut Off हा पेपर १ च्या २०० गुणांपैकी लागेल. पण, २०० गुणांचा पेपर २ CSAT हा Qualifying केला आहे. म्हणजे तुम्हाला पेपर २ CSAT मध्ये २०० पैकी किमान ६६ गुण मिळवणे अनिवार्य (Compulsory) आहे. अन्यथा तुमचा Cut Off साठी विचार केला जाणार नाही.

MPSC Prelim Cut-Off 2021

Result PDF: MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim 2021 Result PDF
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2020

MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim 2020 Result PDF
Download: MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim 2020 Result PDF
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MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2019
या Page वर MPSC राज्यसेवा पूर्व परीक्षेच्या सर्व Cut Offs आहेत.
इतर परीक्षांच्या सर्व Cut Offs (ASO, STI,PSI, ESI, Tax Assistant, Clerk Typist) खालील दिलेल्या Page वर आहेत.
Page Link : MPSC All Exams Cut Offs

Result: You Can Check Your Roll Number in the Following PDF. If it’s Present then You are Qualified. if not then You are Not Qualified. Ok ! exam was conducted for 431 posts.
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2018

So, For 2018 There was Advertisement for 136 Posts. here i haven’t considered posts of prelim advertisement. because, cut off is going to be based on the mains advertisement. so, if there is increment of posts in the mains notification then they will publish cut off with respect to that notification.
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2017

So, For 2017 there was Advertisement for 377 according to mains exam notification. and from this year you will find increase in the cut off, because of various reasons. the main reason of increasing the cut off is the increased age limit for exam and another one was related to less number of posts. but here you may tell that there are limited number of posts, but these time the paper was little bit easy. so, more candidates with paper towards medium level.
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2016

So, This year (2016) the mains advertisement was for only 135 Posts. and paper was towards difficulties. hence, there may be less cut off with high competition level. and these time the age limit was normal (maximum 33 for General Category and With respect to others category according to the rule.)
MPSC Prelim Cut Off 2015

This time, the Advertisement for MPSC Rajyaseva Exam 2015 was for 366 Posts and the cut off was also low with respect to the posts. so, you can imagine that there is no rule of maximum marks you can think before attempting the paper of exam without knowing the paper well.
MPSC Prelim 2014 Cut Off

MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim 2014 Cut Off
This time the Advertisement for MPSC Rajyaseva Exam 2014 was 435 which is generally more than the average trends. and here you will find the word “Revised”. here, the Meaning of Revised in MPSC is the Whenever the MPSC gets letter from the departments with adding additional posts and those posts are going to be recruited in this exam only but before the adding the additional posts if MPSC publishes the result of Cut Off with Old Posts and So, candidates with respect to those posts will be less with specified ratio of candidates to be selected for mains exam. so, after additional posts they have to pass some additional candidates to appear for mains exam. so, they makes changes with respect to candidates and do changes the cut off of exam too which is usually less than the original.
MPSC Prelim 2013 Cut Off

MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim 2013 Cut Off
First, i want to tell you that i have made changes in the above images. because of unavailability of original pdf.
So, This year the advertisement for MPSC Rajyaseva exam was for 354 posts. and cut off was also competitive and high as same as nowadays.
One more thing, you should know that about these year. that is, the newly introduced the pattern in the MPSC Rajyaseva Exam.
So, Now i will not share the old cut off of MPSC Prelim 2012, 2011 etc. but i want to tell you the number of posts for respective years as follows :
MPSC Rajyaseva 2012 Advertisement : Total 424 Posts
MPSC Rajyaseva 2011 Advertisement : Total 290 Posts
MPSC Rajyaseva 2011 Advertisement : Total 126 Posts
That’s it for today. and in future you will find MPSC Rajyaseva Prelim Cut Off of incoming years in this page itself, because its good to see the same things on one page without wasting time to find additional in another posts etc.
One more thing is you can check the cut off of mains is also available on MPSC Cut Off page . Thank you for reading.
Sir 2013-16
MPSC Pre cutoff kiti marks cha hota
out of 400