MPSC Exams

List Of MPSC Competitive Exams :

New Pattern

Exam NameDownload
Maharashtra Gazetted Civil Services Examination – Scheme
(१ पूर्व परीक्षा आणि ८ मुख्य परीक्षांसाठी, ४०+ पदांसाठी )
(December 2023)
(February 2023)
Maharashtra Non-Gazetted Group-B and Group-C Services Examination – Scheme of Examination
(१ पूर्व परीक्षा आणि ३ मुख्य परीक्षांसाठी, १० पदांसाठी )
(January 2023)
MPSC Judicial Services[JMFC] ExamDownload
(December 2021)

old-Pattern Below..

Name Of Exam (Read in Details)Download Official
1. MPSC Rajyaseva ExamDownload
(October 2021)
2. MPSC Subordinate Services[ ASO-STI-PSI]Download
(October 2021)
2.1 MPSC Assistant Section Officer Exam [ASO] 
2.2 MPSC State Tax Inspector Exam [STI] 
2.3 MPSC Police Sub-Inspector Exam [PSI] 
3. MPSC Class C Services Exam[ESI-TA-CT]Download
(June 2022)

(December 2021)
3.1 MPSC Excise Sub Inspector Exam [ESI] 
3.2 MPSC Tax Assistant Exam [Tax Assistant] 
3.3 MPSC Clerk Typist Exam [Clerk Typist] 
3.4 MPSC Industry inspector Group C
3.5 MPSC Technical Assistant Group C
4. MPSC Technical Combine Exam
(Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Agriculture, Forest)
( February 2022)
5. MPSC Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector ExamDownload
(January 2017)
6. MPSC Judicial Services[JMFC] ExamDownload
(December 2021)

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20 thoughts on “MPSC Exams”

    • If the posts are grade A then there is no difference between salary and other facilities but in terms of public deputy collector is well know post.

  1. Sir I am in last year of be civil and please tell me that should I go for civil engineering mpsc or general mpsc

    • This year go for Civil Engineering as Fresh Degree holder with your degree knowledge. And you can appear general mpsc raja seva as practice exam before attempting engineering prelim. So, follow it and try to study from now for prelim if you have completed mains syllabus in degree itself then practice the questions.


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