सूचना : दुय्यम सेवेची २०२० पासून मुख्य परीक्षा एकूण ४०० गुणांची होणार आहे. अभ्यासक्रमात काही बदल नाही.
Hello everyone welcome to mpsc material website and today in this post we will discuss the new pattern of ASO-STI-PSI exam.
First of all this syllabus will not be applicable for current exam means the new pattern will be applicable from 2018 onwards means when new notification will be published by MPSC.
First of all, Syllabus is almost same like old syllabus. But pattern has changed because of combined paper 1 of all three exams.

Credit : Maharashtra Public Service Commission
So here is the new pattern of mpsc aso-sti-psi examination. And from now the new name of examination will be Maharashtra Subordinate services means Class 2 Exams.
So we know that from 2018 there would be combined preliminary exam of assistant section officer, sales tax inspector and police sub inspector as well as combined language paper of all these three exams would be same like prelim, but we know that paper 2 of all these three exam is not same that’s why they will take that paper 2 separately.
The logic of this new pattern is that there are some topics in mains paper 2 of all three exams are same and some topics are not same even though some topics are same like geography and history then also they are not added into the paper 1 of mains exam.
By reading the new syllabus you will get to know more about new pattern. Syllabus is almost same but if you will see the specifically for particular exam then there may be little addition of new topic.
Download the new syllabus of let’s say Maharashtra Subordinate services:
Download: MPSC Subordinate Services Syllabus (376KB) 2018 Pattern
Download: MPSC Subordinate Services Syllabus 2020 Pattern
sir mall saglya post chi duties resposbilities pahije te tumi add kara
thanks for suggestions.. will add details about posts .
Can you please elaborate the vacancies entitled for the ex serviceman
1.Reservation for ex serviceman
2. Age relaxation for ex serviceman with post
following information is only related to Ex- Serviceman.
1. There is reservation for ex serviceman but no guarantee of posts its only depends on vacancies.
2. Age Relaxation for ex serviceman is if you are from General category then maximum age must be 43 for ASO & STI and 36 for PSI. and if you are from Reserved Category then Maximum age must be 48 for ASO and STI and 39 for PSI.
3. if you are fulfilling the age criteria of open category then you can appear as open too. maximum age for open category is
38 for ASO and STI and 31 for PSI. if reserved then 43 for ASO and STI and 34 for PSI.
for age calculation commission will provide one standard date for all by considering that you have to calculate your age. all details will be given in the notification…